Fenómeno barrial

Del barrio al mundo

Un Político "Outsider"

Javier Milei es considerado un "rock star" por su estilo provocador y su capacidad para generar debate en la política argentina. Sus oponentes lo llaman "fenómeno barrial" por venir por fuera de la politica, desde la ciudad de Buenos Aires e integrar un partido sin estructura y muy reducido. Tambien debido a su origen y su forma directa de expresarse, que contrasta con la retórica tradicional de los políticos. Su manera de comunicar sus ideas y su firmeza en sus convicciones lo han convertido en una figura polarizante, generando tanto admiración como críticas. A pesar de ello, Milei ha logrado ganar seguidores y ha llamado la atención de la opinión pública, convirtiéndose en un referente en temas económicos y sociales en Argentina.

Diseñando el futuro de la Argentina

Bajo un cambio de paradigma

Visión Nacional

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

Visión Internacional

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

protein bar

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.

We have a great selection of products that will make your body flourish and help you reach your full potential.